Wednesday, April 27, 2011

What Bob Lowery Means to Me

Some might contend with me, but it is my belief that Dr. Robert Lowery is the Restoration Movement's foremost New Testament scholar today.  As a professor and co-dean at Lincoln Christian University (The Seminary), Dr. Lowery has influenced literally thousands of Christian leaders with his scholarship, passion, integrity, and heart.  Throughout his life he has been a man committed to the humble exposition of Scriptural truth.  He always saw his students as his utmost vocational priority, and he invested himself in them accordingly.  There are many in our movement who have published more books than Dr. Lowery; none, I would wager, have published more solid students of the Book.

I myself am not a New Testament major here at LCU.  I concentrated on historical theology and worship studies.  Nevertheless, that did not stop Dr. Lowery from having a profound influence even on me.

I was far from his best student.  I still remember my first class with him, a class I was probably not ready to take, a class with students far more experienced and knowledgeable than me, but a class which I had practically begged my way into.  Dr.  Lowery has always had a knack for humbling seminarians who were in need of it.  I was no different.

Even  before I had a class under him, I recall having lunches on Wednesdays with Dr. Lowery, Fred Hanson, and fellow seminarians.  Dr. Lowery expressed a deep love and concern for the local church and for student ministers during those lunches.  He asked the important questions and made us dig for the right answers.  He dispensed Biblical wisdom.  He dealt with real issues in practical ways.  He prayed with us.

Earlier this semester, after recovering from a devastating scooter accident, Dr. Lowery came to lecture us about New Testament genres in our Biblical Interpretation for Ministry class.  He was a shadow of the man he used to be.  The fire and energy were gone.  His health was failing.  But the mind and heart were still there.  He was faithful to his call until he literally could not make it to the classroom any longer.  Even then, he opened his home to us so that we could still study under him.

Dr. Lowery means a lot to many people.  As for me, he will always be a reminder and a challenge to be  humble, to be diligent in my studies, to seek the truth and express it with love, to care for the church, to encourage others, to finish well, and above all, to give everything I have to God, using the gifts He has given me to glorify Him and to bless those around me.

As I type this, Bob Lowery is finishing his race.  He is in the last round of his fight.  He is keeping the faith.  The righteous Judge is polishing Bob's crown in preparation for his arrival.  We rejoice with Bob; we mourn with all those he is leaving behind.

I can only hope that all of us who have been influenced by him can finish half as well as he has.

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